Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Save Money on Gas With National Fuel Saver

National Fuelsaver Corporation gives people alleviation at the gas station. Following thirty years in business the National Fuelsaver Corporation is gaining national interest in top tier media such as the Michael Savage Show. It is no wonder he is garnering attention with the way he can help you save money on gas.

With oil prices lately climbing to over $83 per barrel, elevated costs at the pump for motorists are expected. While price per barrel peaked in July of 2008, it dropped until January of 2009. But since then costs have been steadily rising. “This additional pressure has caused consumers to take a more proactive approach to finding technology to save on costs at home, ” says Carl Maddox, a sales manager of 20 years for the company.

According to the Associated Press, the annual high price per barrel is not due to need in the United States where requirement remains lethargic. However, demand in other areas of the world, specifically China, is driving demand higher. Industry authorities predict motorists in the USA can anticipate gasoline selling prices in the $3 per gallon range this coming year.
The good news is you don’t have to agree to increased gas prices without a fight. Joel Robinson, Director of National Fuelsaver Corp. in Boston, Massachusetts, says, “It’s no wonder there’s been a lack of progress in the area of increased engine efficiency. The principles of automotive engineering have been grossly misunderstood. ” National Fuelsaver Corp. devised the Platinum Gas Saver in 1977, which today increases the mileage of gasoline-powered engines by 22 percent, meeting federal and state emission standards. Their premise was as significant as their invention.

While costs at the pump have been volatile over the last several years, the all round trend is higher with motorists seeing their finances eroded. Further, with governmental budgets in strain, there will be pressure to seek more tax revenues, with gasoline a candidate for raising additional capital.

Despite rising prices, new government criteria announced in May 2009 call for auto makers to enhance together mileage and emissions, with an average of 35. 5 miles per gallon. On the surface this seems great, but methods to achieve the levels of advancement call for increased technology that is yet to be fully created. The suggested 30% improvement government standards mandate will result in additional costs of each vehicle, which would amount to an projected cost of $1300 per car. The improved cost is expected to be offset by better mileage, projected to be recovered in three years or less. Even if procedural and engineering issues are resolved, replacing of existing vehicles will not be realized until well after the 2016 date.
A challenge to the federal regulations is the means to achieve them. In 2001 the National Academy of Sciences come to the conclusion that enhancing fuel efficiency is both doable and desirable. However, to accomplish significant efficiencies could result in trade-offs for the customer. The list of trade-offs include limiting buyer decision and compromising safety – because of to weight reductions of vehicles. Also, some proponents of bettering mileage performance see gasoline taxes as a vehicle to lessen overall requirement. The idea is that raising taxes will tend be a disincentive to vehicle use.

The good news is, the consumer has access to revolutionary technology without compromising choice, safety or waiting for new rules to be put in place. The Platinum Gas Saver is a modest unit about the size of a video tape and holds a pre-measured platinum formula. The engine vacuum attracts microscopic quantities of vaporized platinum into the intake manifold where it joins the fuel/air blend entering the engine. With platinum in the flame zone, the fuel burn percentage inside the engine raises from 68 to 90 percent, a significant increase of 22 percent. That allows a car or truck to travel 22 percent faster, or 22 percent more miles per gallon, with the same amount of fuel.

Seem too good to be real? Federal Consumer Protection executed a 5-year study of this system. The result was confirmed in Federal District Court proceedings, stating that, “Independent testing shows greater fuel savings with the Gas Saver than the 22% claimed by the developer. ”
The unit developer, Joe Robinson states, “Since the government concluded its study we have sold over a half million Gas Savers. ” He concludes, “Although many of our customers buy the Gas Saver to extend engine life or to raise octane, most of our customers appreciate the 22% more miles per gallon. ”

For more information, check this post on National Fuel Saver and how you can save money on gas

For A Full Idea Of How A Platinum Gassaver Will Help You Save Money On Gas, Vist NAtional Fuel Savers Website

Israeli Inventor Has 2nd Design To Help You Save Money On Gas

Joel Robinson is someone you should know more about. He has spent the last 30 years developing products that increase fuel efficiency. He currently has been awarded 10 patents for his work ranging from his first product called the Platinum FuelSaver and for his work on reducing harmful emissions from diesel engines and his latest invention the Robinson Engine Head which recent EPA test data shows up to a 48 percent increase in gas mileage, and the ability to help you save money on gas.

His company National Fuelsaver is headquartered in Boston Massachusetts. The Platinum FuelSaver injects a platinum vapor into the combustion chambers of the engine by inserting a T connector into a vacuum line and feeds a platinum vapor into the engine where it increases the amount of fuel that burns inside your engine from 70 percent to over 90 percent. This technology has received truth in advertising credentials after Federal Judge Walter Jay Skinner described the product as “effective” and then awarded Joel Robinson $22,787. His Platinum Injector for diesel has numerous accolades for reducing the smoke and the vibration and noise that come from diesel engines. Recently his product the Platinum FuelSaver has begun sponsoring the Michael Savage radio show better known as the Savage Nation. Although he deserves a nobel prize for his work for obvious reasons the advancement of his products have been suppressed.

As time goes by his work has been getting noticed recently University of Kentucky published a white paper lead by DR Trevor Griffith PHD in chemistry published an excellent review of Joel Robinsons work with Platinum and Rhodium. Has latest product the Robinson Engine Head has gotten the attention of Motor Trend the Wall Street Journal Morning Star and Forbes. The Robinson Engine Head is getting final EPA test data and is expected to launch in spring of 2011 from National Fuel Saver in Boston. For further information call 1-800-LESS-GAS or Visit the site for more information on how to save money on gas